Just finished another food-related book, In Defense of Food. It seemed like the right book to read after Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Although you would think after reading about all the down and dirty details of some of the ways food is processed that I would have lost several pounds by now simply because, at times, no good choice exists. But, sadly, that is not the case.
I like Pollan's basic premise, "Eat food. Not much. Mostly plants." Meaning, eat real food that your grandmother or great-grandmother would recognize, not the packaged processed food that fills the super markets. Don't over eat--eat until you are satisfied or 80% full. And eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and a little meat (from animals that are grass-fed and grass-finished--pretty much we eat what these animals eat). Does this sound familiar to any of you?
It is nice to know I have checked off a couple of boxes by growing herbs and vegetables at home and frequenting farmers markets. But finding grass-finished (or pasture-finished) meats has not been easy. I haven't started calling around yet but after going to Fry's, Trader Joes, and Whole Foods, I did not see anything about grass anything in the meat department (of course I could have talked to the butcher but I didn't). There is a website http://www.eatwild.com/ that lists Arizona grass-fed meat and poultry sources through farmers markets. I have no idea about the costs.
This really could have been an article rather than a book, so it is a quick read. I like that Pollan doesn't lecture. He quotes lots of research and I know you can manipulate research to reflect many different conclusions. But I think most of what he says makes sense. Now if I could just give up the ultimate processed item: Diet Coke.